职 称:讲师
学 科:石油与天然气工程/油气井工程
2003.09—2007.07 大庆石油学院,石油工程,学士
2007.07—2008.01 大庆油田有限责任公司,技术员
2008.01—2009.12 路易斯安那大学拉斐特分校,石油工程,硕士
2012.10—2013.12 加拿大阿尔伯塔省 AGAT 实验室,实验师
2014.01—2017.06 壳牌加拿大石油公司,实验师
2017.09—2019.01 西南大学国际学院,科员
2019.09—2023.06 西南石油大学,油气井工程,博士
2024.03—至今 重庆科技大学,bat365官网登录入口,讲师
国家自然科学基金“富有机质页岩氧化致裂增渗加速气体传输机理研究”,项目编号: 51674209,主研
非常规油气层保护四川省青年科技创新研究团队项目“页岩气层氧化协同水力压裂 减量增渗方法研究”,项目编号:2021JDTD0017,主研
(1) Nan Zhang; Lijun You; Yili Kang; Jieming Xu; Keming Li; Qiuyang Cheng; Yang Zhou; The investigation into oxidative method to realize zero flowback rate of hydraulic fracturing fluid in shale gas reservoir, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 209: 109918. (SCI)
(2) Lijun You; Nan Zhang; Yili Kang; Jieming Xu; Qiuyang Cheng; Yang Zhou; Zero Flowback Rate of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid in Shale Gas Reservoirs: Concept, Feasibility, and Significance, Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(7): 5671-5682.(SCI)
(3) Nan Zhang; Boyun Guo; Use of Mathematical Model to Predict the Maximum Permissible Stage Injection Time for Mitigating Frac-Driven Interactions in Hydraulic-Fracturing Shale Gas/Oil Wells, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2020, 143(8).(SCI)
(4) Chunlei Liu; Nan Zhang; Boyun Guo; Ali Ghalambor; An Investigation of Heavy-Foam Properties for Offshore Drilling, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, 2010. (EI)
(5) Qiuyang Cheng; Lijun You; Yili Kang; Nan Zhang; Yang Zhou; An experimental investigation into the oxidative dissolution of typical organic-rich shale from China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 130: 105117.(SCI)